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All of the ways outlined to reduce your carbon footprint at home can and should be used at work. Listed below are additional ways and the statistics to go along with them. Even if you wish to remain anonymous in your Lenten Fast, you can still do your part at work without telling others what you’re doing.
ElectricThe numbers for electric use in the office are staggering. 70% of all electric used in the US is in an office setting. 44% of the electric use is for heating and air conditioning, while lighting is another 40%. Simple actions on your part will reduce this number dramatically.
Turn your computer off at night. Since no one is using it for 15 hours of the day, there is no sense in leaving it on, unless it must be certain nights for IT maintenance. This alone will save 50% - 60% in the electric used by your workstation.
Turn the lights off in your area. The only time lights should be left on is if you work in a high rise and leave them on for a few weeks in spring and fall while certain birds migrate at night. Turn off lights in rooms not being used – do this as you walk by.
Don’t use a space heater under your desk. Bring a piece of upholstery foam in to rest your feet upon. This will keep your feet very warm without using any electricity.
You can also buy radiant mats and foot rests that use far less electricity. Use a lap blanket.
GasolineIf you live near any of your coworkers, consider carpooling. Whether you take turns or designate a driver, you all save on gas and auto maintenance.
RecyclingIf your office/building doesn’t recycle, set up bins for you to take home and include in your recycling. With offices using an average of 10,000 sheets of paper per person per year, recycling this will save enormous amounts of energy, water and trees. Contact the ink/toner cartridge suppliers about recycling.
LightsIf you use incandescent lights in your workspace, replace one bulb with a CFL. The combination of light will be better for you and you will reduce the electric used in lighting your space by almost half.
Air Quality
Bring a plant to work. Many plants thrive in low or artificial lighting and greatly reduce the impurities in the air. Offices are very toxic environments with chemicals floating about such as benzene, TCE, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde. These can be reduced quickly and efficiently with the addition of plants.
The Break room
Bring a mug in from home. The amount of energy used to make, use, throw away and store Styrofoam in a landfill significantly outweighs the same numbers for a mug from home. The choice becomes clear when the average “life” of a ceramic mug is 3000 days and a Styrofoam cup is 15 minutes. Bring in your own flatware, rather than the plastic knives, forks and spoons given with take-out food or supplied in the break room.
Consider asking your manager about the following:Installing
programmable thermostats . This act will pay for itself in about 4 months, saving up to 20% in heating and air conditioning bills. This will allow for a temperature setting that will reduce space heater use, cutting down on bills even further.
Office EquipmentReplace tower computers with
laptops. Laptops generally use half the energy of a tower; more if it is an energy efficient model.
Even replacing the monitor will help.Replace office equipment with
Energy Star equipment . There may also be tax incentives to assist with the purchases.
LightingInstall motion-sensing light switches. There are many models on the market that will fit the needs of any room that isn’t used constantly, such as break rooms or restrooms.
There are also Energy Star light fixtures that can replace broken fixtures.
Purchase remanufactured Ink/Toner cartridgesUsing remanufactured cartridges saves an entire half-gallon of oil or 11 pounds of carbon emissions per cartridge.
Janitorial ChemicalsReplace janitorial supplies less hazardous materials. These contribute almost as heavily to indoor air pollution as the printers/copiers do.
DeliveringIf your office also makes deliveries, consider using the UPS style of delivering – use right turns only. It saves enormous amount of gasoline over the course of the year.
Recycled Paper ProductsMaking 1 ton of virgin pulp paper uses nearly 72,000 gallons of water, whereas recycled paper needing 1/10 the water, 60% of the energy and 50% the chemicals.
Using recycled paper products in the break room and restrooms will also save. In home use, replacing a single pack of napkins and toilet paper with recycled a brand saves 2.4 million trees.
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Labels: Carbon Fast, Carbon Reduction, Electricity Reduction, Garbage Reduction, gasoline reduction, Lent, paper reduction, reduction at work